Tyresö JGP

Vi kör Tyresö JGP också i år. Den 24 februari är alla välkomna till Tyresö för vår tävling i JGP-serien. För klubbmedlemmar är det gratis.

Notera - i år spelar vi i vår vanliga lokal föreningsgården Kvarnhjulet då den traditionella lokalen renoveras.


  1. Hej Svante Wedin och Martin Skjöldebrand,
    Hoppas att ni mår bra!
    My name is Krishna and Sahana is my wife.Our son Saadhan Kowshik is 8 years old and is studying at Kista Grundskola.
    He is a Chess enthusiast and regularly goes to Kista Chess Club. Contact details below:(schack@kistasc.comhttps://www.kistasc.com/start/?ID=450874 )
    We received the attached flyer from this Club and Saadhan would like to participate in this competition on 24 Feb.So, could you please register his name for the competition on 24 Feb (Saturday).
    1. Namn> Saadhan Kowshik2. Skola: Kista Grundskola3. Ålder: 8 years old (Born in Jan 2016) Saadhan will perhaps play without clock. (Han vill spela kanske utan klocka).
    We understand that the location is Föreningsgården Kvarnhjulet OBS! Ny lokal! Pluggvägen 6B, Tyresö.So, either Sahana and/or I will accompany Saadhan on 24 Feb for this event.
    Saadhan has been playing for some months now and we consider him not to be a beginner anymore.However, he hasn’t played much with the clock (although he can try playing with the clock, if needed).It would be helpful if you can guide us as we did not understand which category Saadhan belonged to.
    I can make the payment as soon as you confirm his place, category, timings and rules for this tournament.
    Please feel free to contact me via email or my mobile number 0769617663 should you need further information.Thanks in advance for your support!

    Krishna Kowshik

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